Image processing for smart agriculture. Monitoring Rooster behaviors.
While climate-smart agriculture and livestock production are being proven as the best way to survive from the impacts of climate change around the globe, precision agriculture is becoming the new trend in producing both food and feed. Enterprises now are getting themselves adapted to this precision agriculture technique that provides crop growers with a precise set of data easing the monitoring process and facilitating change management in all levels of production including large corporates as well as small and medium enterprises of Sri Lanka. However, precision livestock production in Sri Lanka has not shown a great augmentation over the past years.
Impacts of climate change are becoming a global issue and the awareness of it is increasing around the world. Therefore, many nations, states, and even corporate bodies are getting ready to face climate change through the implementation of concepts such as zero-emission, circular economy, farm to fork, etc. In this context, integrating precision livestock production with climate-smart agriculture techniques can impose some positive results towards climate-smart agriculture systems such as integration of image analysis, sound analysis, and sensors. This may ultimately reduce resource consumption in modern livestock farming systems while increasing productivity. However, precision farming has also been identified as an environmental challenge by certain scholars. Here is a sneak peek of Technobrain’s project on climate-smart agriculture. #Image processing #Climatesmartagriculture #Artificialintelligencefor agriculture