Web designing in a powerful way of just not an only professions. We have tendency to believe the idea that smart looking .

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Targeting the ‘New Normal’ (Ceylon Today)

By Priyangwada Perera The moment you come up with a term like ‘Skills for Inclusive Growth’, it feels like a brand new three-month diploma course you follow at a fancy institute in Colombo 7. Among hundreds of courses advertised for school leavers or school-goers, the anticipatory ‘results or acceptance letter’ awaiting youth are what we […]

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Underwater Photography, an eye dropped into the ocean!

Photography is becoming a favorite hobby irrespective of age limits these days. With the increase of travel lovers around the world that is filling with Technophiles, who are curious in learning new technologies and deliver innovative solutions, nature watch is becoming a popular stress-relieving activity. Along with nature watch, nature photography has also become popular. […]


Technobrain MD speaking to the youth present today at the ”Ideation Phase”

UNDP in SriLanka – Inno4Dev “Youth these days are way more concerned about making a change from the grassroots level. I’m excited to be part of this initiative.” Managing Director, Technobrain International Pvt Ltd speaking to the youth present today at the “Ideation Phase” in Ampara Source: https://twitter.com/undpsrilanka/status/1009324924442324993?lang=en